Friday 10 October 2008

Here is the flat plan for my contents page. It is merely a brief layout of how the page would look if i actually had articles to put there.

Unfortunatly the use of having a pattern of sotry image image story from left to right means that it would be hard to link each picture with a story, so i may change that when i create the actual plan for my contents on InDesign. I have also included an advert at the bottom of my page as that is very common in modern magazines. Whilst this contents page didn't involve much detail, the indiviual stories are well seoperated and apart from the images everything id simple and easy to view, as it is has a simple layout. In my actual contents i may decide to use page references and actual headings to make it look more like a contents, and also add annotations to the images which is what tends to happen in modern magazines.