Wednesday 8 October 2008

Here is my completed front cover for my college magazine. I gave it the name "Sussex Downs Magazine" as it automatically labels my magazine with a target audience, and also labels it as a college magazine. I have made the name of my magazine the biggest font on the page so that it draws the readers attention to the magazine. The combination of yellow on a red background makes the name stand out even more from the rest of the page. I have written my main sell in a different colour from the other sells as it seperates it from the other stories connoting that it is the main story. I also had to do it because a pale colour wouldn't stand out on the man so i had to make it brighter. I have put win inside some sort of shape in order to draw the readers attention to what they can win. My colour scheme for the writing enables simple and easy reading for the readers. Having looked at it maybe one thing that would have improved it would be to include more stories about the students as most of my stories are staff related. I have also had to edit the main photo in photoshop. My reasons for this are because the actual photo remained to dark, so i had to lighten it in order to use it on my front cover. Unfortunatly this makes the the florescent jacket even brighter and i had to darken the text on top of it in order to make it readable. But over all i am happy with the outcome

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