Wednesday 1 October 2008

This is the flat plan for my front cover of my magazine. I have decided to make the masthead of my magazine slightly larger as at the moment you are drawn into the main flash rather than the actual magazine as the main flash is bigger at the moment so i shall change that to make the masthead stand out. I have stretched my masthead across the whole of the page to make it stand out. My main flash is "Unsung Hero" and is aimed at the story of the litterman who keeps lewes college safe. I have also included a strapline underneath the masthead as it supports the personality of the magazine which is "the official magazine for Sussex Downs Students." I have made the main flash with larger font so that it indicates that this is the main story. I have listed a few main sells down the left hand side of the magazine, this leaves the front cover with a neat layout as it isn't all over the place and it's structured. I have used alliteration on these stories to make them flow more and make people want to read on. For the main flash i have used a subhead. This elaborates on the story further and also includes alliteration. I will make a few changes from my flat plan and my actual design. I will get rid of the logo in the top corner as i am not allowed to use the Sussex Downs logo, and will get rid of the pictures used in my main sells. I shall also add a barcode as every magazine has one.


Anonymous said...

I think it is a very nice front page and most of the people want to read this magazine.


Mattrethy said...

yes very nice.

lilah said...

mhm very nice indeed. Well said anuj.